China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA)guidelines for holistic integrative management of cancerperitoneal tumours from gastrointestinal tract
Unit: Chinese Society of Peritoneal
Oncology, China Anti-Cancer Association
腹膜肿瘤发病率高、预后差,源于胃癌、结直肠癌和阑尾黏液瘤等的继发性腹膜肿瘤临床常见,患者数量多、治疗难、疗效差。传统观点认为,腹膜肿瘤属于晚期肿瘤,患者生存期短,仅能维持3~6个月,通常提供姑息性对症治疗。近年来,以细胞减灭术(CRS)联合腹腔热灌注化疗(HIPEC)为主的整合治疗策略对防治腹膜肿瘤疗效独特,可显著提高患者的生存率和生活质量。《中国肿瘤整合诊治指南院腹膜肿瘤》在中国抗癌协会的指导下,由腹膜肿瘤专业委员会组织国内相关领域权威专家共同完成。指南聚焦我国腹膜肿瘤流行病学特征、遗传背景及国内研究成果,以整合医学理念为引领,强调多学科整合诊治(MDT to HIM),注重野防-筛-诊-治-康冶全程管理。本指南主要针对胃肠来源的腹膜肿瘤,旨在规范临床诊疗流程、提高整合诊治水平,共同促进我国胃肠腹膜肿瘤的防治工作。
Peritoneal tumours have a large population and a poor prognosis
with limited therapeutic options available, and are common originated from
gastric, colorectal, appendix and other cancers. Traditionally, peritoneal
tumours have long been considered to be a terminal condition with a median
survival of 3 -6 months, and the palliative symptomatic treatment is
recommended. Recently, the multimodal therapeutic strategy of cytoreductive
surgery (CRS) combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) has
resulted in more effective on the prevention and treatment of peritoneal
metastasis, which can significantly improve the survival and quality of life.
Under the guidance of the China Anti -Cancer Association (CACA), the China Anti
-Cancer Association (CACA)guidelines for holistic integrative management of
cancer peritoneal tumours from gastrointestinal tract was jointly completed by
experts in related fields organized by the Chinese Society of Peritoneal
Oncology. This guideline is guided by the concept of integrative medicine and
focuses on the domestic epidemiology, genetic background and original studies.
It emphasizes the multidisciplinary team to holistic integrative medicine (MDT
to HIM), and pays attention to the whole-course management of "prevention,
screening, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation". This guideline
mainly focuses on peritoneal metastasis from gastrointestinal tumours, aiming
to standardize the clinical diagnosis and treatment process, and jointly
promote the management of peritoneal metastasis in China.
Key Words: Peritoneal tumours;
Gastrointestinal neoplasms; Guideline